Word order and punctuation are important. Consider the difference in meaning between these two sentences:[1]
1) “The idiot, previous to him, totally fucked things up.”
2) “The previous idiot to him totally fucked things up.”
When it comes to words, precision can make a big difference.
When it comes to routes, however, one need not be so particular. It’s a lesson to relearn over and over again: efficiency is not the only virtue.
If you like riding bikes, what’s the matter with riding them, you know?
Who cares if you lose elevation just to ride it up all over again?
And why regret routes taken or not taken when after all, you’re out on a route, after all?
The pocket park could not have been better. You could walk barefoot on soft pine needles to the lake and when you got there, there were perfect flat rock shelves upon which to lay your glasses and beer.
I will never tire of the experience of floating on my back in Lake Washington staring up at the night sky. The celestial sphere is the celestial sphere, yep.
K-Sep didn’t guess my charades rendition of “Apocalypse Now.” That’s probably because it wasn’t very good. And also because so many of them horror flicks have the scary head rising from below, brrrr.
Moreover, the neighbors not only didn’t mind, they wished us a hearty good evening with the reminder that this little slice of heaven belongs to everyone.
Finally, even the steepest hill can be scaled by traversing. If it wasn’t likely you’d be run over by always doing so, you would always do so,
In the end, it’s good to be a cliché, so long as the cliché is a good one. We are what we are and that’s all that we are, which is why the what is the what, what?
Eats shoots and leaves.
Fish, fish fish, fish fish.
That that, this this, see?
[1] Moistra, 2019.8.22 (paraphrase)