Friday, December 11, 2015


Imagine a world in which you get to combine two of your favorite things to do for two hours and fifteen minutes before you come to have your route confirmed by a bonfire you can see from the farthest away intersection nearby; then not only are you reminded that this is the one, you’re also reminded that it is this one.

Or consider that it is this world; then, this world that is is the world that is this one.

I was so happy to see so many people I was happy to see around an outdoor fire that could not possibly have benefited from more oxygen, although that was the joke I tried a couple of times to workshop.

It doesn’t always have to be more than enough was one of the lessons I took from the experience: I got to get stoned and ride my bike on a perfectly dry night for hours; and that was just the beginning: I also talked to people, admired the sky, spun slowly around the flames to keep myself warm, learned how hard it is to throw the shuffleboard puck just so, and also, mainly, admired many an admirable quality.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether the rain has resumed or whether the storm-soaked trees are just dripping on you; I think that’s the kind of ambiguity we crave.  And when I say “we” here, I mean me.

An endless variety of factors prevents us from having what we could otherwise have.  Winners never lose; that’s part of what makes them winners.

But here’s the thing: we stood on the edge of the heart, (or more to the point, the lungs) of the city and couldn’t help but be reminded of why it’s all here.  Inhaling fumes from smoldering mattresses is a small price to pay,

More importantly, it is what it is, except when it isn’t, although it predictably is, even when it isn’t, out on two wheels.

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