Friday, May 24, 2019


It is said that a happy, satisfied man is one who makes twenty dollars a week more than his brother-in-law.

If that’s the case, those poor suckers who live on the east side of Evergreen Point Road in Medina must be in a constant state of dismay and dissatisfaction. 

Imagine: you’ve clawed and scratched your way to the heights of corporate success and can finally splurge your ill-gotten millions on a fabulous contemporary estate in one of America’s most exclusive neighborhoods and yet every day you look out your front window, there it is, staring you square in the face, the looming hedge of an ever-more-fabulous estate that sits right down on the water, mocking your paltry multi-millionaire status with its billionaire nerve. 

No wonder the 1% are so greedy; there’s always someone richer to envy, so you’ve got to keep clawing and scratching until at last it’s you behind that hedge looking west at the Lake with nothing but blue skies from now on.

Or, you could just get plenty stoned and ride a bike around to marvel at the massive concentration of wealth that global capitalism and cheap energy from fossil fuels has made possible, happy that it’s a lovely spring evening with air so soft and velvety it’s like pedaling through a symphony and fully satisfied that the various plant-based intoxicants you’ve imbibed are contributing so well to such an intoxicating scene.

“I saw the eagle dive,” said tehSchkott as we sat together lakeside, harmonizing our individual minds with the Universal Consciousness of which we are all a part, and while he spoke literally, it was clear that we had arrived at a place where the literal is figurative and vice-versa.

Life is a metaphor for life and nothing illustrates that better than how the bicycle takes you right from where you started back to the place you began all over again with the middle in the middle, a looping loop-dee-loop.