Friday, November 27, 2020


Everyone knows that the current state of things pretty much sucks donkey dick.

Not being able to celebrate Thanksgiving with a big group of family, friends, and loved ones is only part of it.  There’s also climate change, a lame duck President in the White House who is congenitally unable to admit defeat, and, to top it off, the Thanksgiving evening Steelers game that could have made this year’s non-turkey Turkey Day somewhat palatable was cancelled due to an unkindness of the hated Ravens players being unable to follow simple Covid-19 protocols.

Nevertheless, there is still much to be grateful for at this time of thanksgiving.  As long as you have your health, a bicycle, and the ability to ride around even just a little bit on a Thursday evening, then hosanna!  It’s all good.

Thanks, Universe, for making all this possible.

And, of course, a word of appreciation also goes out to Farmer Ito for this year’s crop which makes up in abundance for whatever shortcomings it has in taste and potency.  A pipeful or three turns the colors brighter, the hills a little less steep, and the view from another previously-untapped parking garage all that much more interesting.

It’s strange and more than a little creepy how deserted the city streets are; one is grateful for that, too, by the way, not just for public health reasons but also because it is pretty cool to be able to sit at the top of Union Street at just 9:00 in the evening and gaze down all the way to Madrona without seeing a single automobile coming at you.  Wild.

If Point83 were a person, it would now be old enough to drive.  Presumably, though, it would decide to ride a bike instead, taking advantage of our favorite RCW, now proudly emblazoned on the latest club schwag, not just Fancy Fred’s top-tube.

My very first Thanksgiving ride! 

Grateful for that, too, if’n you catch my drift.

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