Friday, February 5, 2021


 The dominoes keep falling to reveal whatever it is you’re noticing and there are still vistas no one else has ever seen even in their own background.

Surely, there are forces unbeknownst to us afoot; otherwise, why would some dreams seem so relevant?

It’s been said so many times it doesn’t mean anything anymore but it’s still the case that regret is consistently more about what you didn’t do than what you did.  That seems to be what the Universe keeps telling us.

And besides, these days the opportunities are so limited that any opportunity is an opportunity not to be missed.  Especially on the driest evening in weeks, with gusts from the South that make even the stupid, unnecessary climb towards home not all that awful.  Again, why consider the superfluous superfluous?

There’s really no reason not to feel happy even if the hoped-for future doesn’t come about.  It’s probably better to have been excited about what doesn’t happen than already sad about what hasn’t happened yet, right?

Of course, home and hearth are hard to resist but here’s a data point of evidence to consider: even a box of macaroni and cheese, chattering in the pocket is insufficient to persuade the open-minded to head straight home and the reward is not only the eternal gratitude of one’s future self, but also, an opportunity to visit first-hand a dream of some tomorrow and also, to reflect upon it right beside the very body of whatever without which none of this would be possible.

Once again, serendipity shows the way.  Mistakes are just unexpected choices and as long as you get home safe and sound, it’s even hard to call them that.

There’s a place for everyone and everyone in their place. 

And nights like this are a reminder that not only is there no place like home, there’s no home like the place you ride to and no ride like the one you come home to.

1 comment:

  1. I ate the whole box and went to bed dreamy eyed, Duwamish sooted, and happy
