Anyone who gets to ride their bike on an ideal Pacific Northwest summer evening, one so warm that even old men wear short pants, across the second largest freshwater lake in the state of Washington, on a floating bridge with a luxurious bicycle path complete with pull-outs for picture-taking and beer-drinking, to a charming city beach where daylight lasts until almost nine o’ clock and the sun sets behind a diving dock right down into the water, turning people on the horizon into perfect silhouette cutouts, anyone who gets to do that, whether on an “analogue” bicycle or one assisted by excited electrons, must have done something really spectacular in their former lifetimes to be afforded such a privilege, and they ought to be deeply grateful for their good fortune and make it a point to have every encounter with their fellow humans beings be one suffused with love, compassion, and respect, in hopes that the next time around, they will again be so lucky to enjoy such awesome and overwhelming grace. Right?
When you think about the nearly infinite odds of merely being born, not to mention the completely unlikely occurrence of a Universe such as ours so finely-tuned for self-aware beings to even exist, and consider the countless failed attempts by creation that must have occurred for this version of reality to have come into being, and then top that off with the realization that you could have emerged from your mother’s womb in a place that’s being bombed by a foreign military air force or where drought and militia attacks make life precarious every moment, it’s enough to make you crack your heart wide open at how fucking blessed you are, no matter how many times someone cuts you off in traffic or how warm the beer is that you’re drinking for free, after all.
Then back across the water, for further friendly libations, marveling at spiders along the way.
Thanks, Universe.